8 April 2013

2 Earth Determinisms & Audit Plan

Apologies, the audit may be confusing for you, it is After Method and Above Ontology, Puhg have seen many worlds. But first, are you a Sociological or a Technological determinist?  

Hola, مرحبا , 你好, ສະບາຍດີ, नमस्ते, Bonjour, привет, Hello ...

Social & Technical Determinisms 

So, in your growing "knowledge metropolis", there are two armies, warring factions you could say, behemoths. They are of particular criticality and I wish to talk about them in this blooog coomunicado. These two enemies are what we call "technological determinism" and "sociological determinism". Their explanations of stuff around us diverge.

Reader, are you a Technological determinist? 

The former  position is the belief that technologies drive your society and your humanity forward. This belief is reflected in adver-teasing. You know,  good razor blade gets hot girlfriend, expensive car brings freedom. Mr Marshall McLuhan's claim that the medium is the message to Master Negroponte's insistence that all things will be digital, all physical will become "data" - from atoms to bits. In this view, conversion to data does not change the object being "datified".

Peruse this video - it packs in McLuhan, The Borg (nasty piece of work those guys, no love, flowers, art, no … what do you call it … sentimentality, indeed no history) and a critique of the Facebook Spring, (I mean Arab Spring) all into a few media minutes. 

Are you a technological determinist?

Or, dear reader, are you a Sociological determinist?

Similarly, at the other end of the spectrum is the sociological variety. Sociological determinists would even argue that our biologies are constructed out of discourses, our feet are but meanings to be "en-texted", that technology and science are ultimately socially constructed - things could have been different, depending on culture, not science, not technology. 

We might not have developed the idea of wings, or genes or antibiotics had our societies been arranged differently. Science itself, and by extension mathematics, depends on culture,  social values and organisation. Even the Law, or Principle, of Identity - the basis for all mathemtatics, all logic, all meaning - is up for grabs.

"Each thing is the same with itself and different from another”. 
But let's not get into that law, I will deal with that when you achieve NAPSTA Soc-Tech Level 7. At your civilisation stage, you need to believe it is true.

So, are you a Sociological Determinist? Check your vagabond wikipedia for more info.


Thus, this is the battle between techno-science and sociality, and it takes a while to work through. The planet Kappa in the Union system screwed this up, and went right back to Soc-NAPSTA Level 1. The place is anarchy now, such a shame. Even the salmon is tasteless now.

Earth Audit Plan 

Now let me explain this "participatory" audit. I participate with my boss, you participate via comments below. I have to report back you see, KPIs, impacts and all of that box ticking. I want to find out about where you are, how you are doing. This is the Nivelian Approved Planetary Socio-Technical Audit.

These of course are just two of the eight "technique complexes" (nano-tech, bio-tech, silico-tech, carbo-tech, socio-tech, enviro-tech, ethico-tech and salmono-tech) of the Nivelian Planetary Standards for species with potential for future rational action.

We would like to look at everything, but that is for Kuhg, he’ll come later. We am the nice guy. We am just looking at which drivers you have, particularly the social and the technological. 

So, if you don’t mind, I would like to sample your Earth Indicators (EIs), which are:

1) Physical Objects (what you make)
2) Discourse Objects (what you say)
3) Design Frames (what do actually do)

If these EIs are aligned with NAPSTA Level 4 standards and principles, then you can begin the 200 solar year accreditation process. 

For the audit, your Physical Object samples will include a large system, and a small consumer device. We will analyse terrestrial data centres and Google Glass.

Your Discourse Object samples include the alignment between natural and social sciences, science and culture if you like.

Your Design Frames will review how you frame earth changes, renewal, and thus  innovation. Is it linear and straightforward?

Re-design frames and principles (the negative and the positive) will be discussed in my summary review.

Audit Plan

So here is the plan for the remaining audit posts.

Bloooog 1: Earth Audit Background: Why we are here

Bloooog 2: Earth Determinisms and the Audit Plan

Bloooog 3: Earth Audit Objects - Data Centres and Google Glass

Bloooog 4: Earth Audit Discourse - The Great War of Natural and Social Sciences

Bloooog 5: Earth Audit Design Frames Expansion

Bloooog 6: Earth Audit Summary - Big design or big destruction?

Thank you.

We am Puhg.

... I will return. 

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