8 April 2013

1 Earth Audit Background and why we are here ...

I've come a long way, and this warp drive's smell hurts my noses. So as we approach, let me explain my Bloooog, or my "Nivelian Approved Planetary Socio-Technical Audit" (NAPSTA) for your Level 3 civilisation - EARTH!

Hola, مرحبا , 你好, ສະບາຍດີ, नमस्ते, Bonjour, привет, Hello .....

Millions of years ago ...

... a race far superior to your own allegedly attempted to find the answer to the meaning of the  universe. They waited a long time. Eventually, Deep Thought, who was quaintly charged with coming up with the answer did in fact produce a result. After many generations of scientists had passed away, waiting for the answer, the computer proudly presented it - "42" was the answer.

42 was the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

This relates to your world's emergent searching and our work here. By the way, apologies, we haven't introduced myself. We am Phug.  We am an alien anthropologist. And we am here to help. 

And yes, 42 is the answer.

--- 42 ---

Earth’s progress and directions

Friends, you have been pondering this question for a fraction of that time. Essentially your question becomes your answer: if you want to know the meaning of life, its essence is found in what you are looking for. If you are looking for silicon answers, you will find silicon questions. If you look for salmon answers, you will find salmon questions. So, how are you looking?

This is not judgemental, but is developmental, to help you find your way. You are lucky its us, not Kuhg. We will start with one of your own assessments.

In your year 2013, solar months of January and February, earth professor “Stuart Walker” (who is actually a graduate of the Vulcan Salalah Academy and very well known across the inner Milky Way), presented, from your terran point of view, a holistic account of earth’s modern/post-modern split. All psycho-tool mastering species go through this phase eventually.

In a later, how do you say “lec-ture” (we stopped this brutal practice many millennia ago), Dr Walker followed up with a comment about humanity needing to find the right questions, rather than quick answers now. We agree with his assessment. Thus, we, Puhg, am here to do a Nivelian Approved Planetary Socio-Technical Audit. A NAPSTA to prepare Earth for Level 4 civiliation accreditation.

Material technology is easy

So the technology bit is easy huh? Presumably quick answers are becoming easier for your peoples. You can build skyscrapers, wage wars, provide healthcare to your populations, and even send men to the moon, although as Prophet Herbert Simon said in 1996, going to your moon was easy and had a clear aim .. boots on dust.

Tech is easy. Your civilisations have indeed turned libraries into Mr Vanavere Bush's memex  - knowledge at your finger tips. After you digitise all places, shopping (especially shopping) and texts through Google, after the early twenty first century Eth-db0.0000001, or what you call the “in-ter-net of things” networks all objects and stores individuals descriptions of them, after you playlist ancient wisdom and new sciences, surely you will approach the question to the answer 42. Material technology does the heavy lifting in this mash-up.

It is surely within your sights? Soon, you will know, Fukiyama’s end of historyand Pinker’s end of violence. But, every NAPSTA Soc-Tech Level 3 world gets stuck on systemic doubt. Its normal. This is your post modern.

Ethico-technology is hard ...

Given your approaching modernist utopia, why do you still adhere to durable practices such as ineQUALity, poverty, con-spiracy, disease, wars, economic and enviroMENTAL crisis? Why does one half of your itsy-bitsy globe exploit the other half? Why is consumptionomics so hard to stop?

Why are your viruses becoming immune to medical intervention? Why is the climate becoming more extreme? Why are your carbon wars accelerating? Why are value and ethical frames not considered human technologies?

But ultimately, the biggest problem of all (quite possibly a galactic scale crime if as many assume it breaks Canis Majoris Species Decency Broadcast Protocols), why is your reality TV soooooooooooo unreal?

These are not just material, but also value questions. Puhg says it will take time to re-design your questions for level 4 ....

How are you asking questions?

500 solar years earlier, you had religions and philosophy. Science was a newborn baby, growing up from the seeds of alchemy. Now, you have hundreds of such disciplines, all with different knowledge frames and communities, each with protected edges. Do you have nanotech, biotech, silico-tech, carbo-tech, enviro-tech, ethico-tech yet? The last 2 of course are NAPSTA Level 4 and 5 respectively, you are level 3.

You have a metropolis of micro and macro disciplines, full of both objects and discourses - phones, data centres, internets, interfaces, ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies. Perhaps, your creations, your discipline towers are part of your problem. Your subject towers may proliferate, may grow higher, but maybe you should critique your towers, their structural integrity. This is THE Level three civilisation socio-tech challenge.

Perhaps your problem is not the modern (progress) versus the post modern (doubt), but what you consider is beneficial technology. Perhaps a socio-tech frame will help you see a new wider aligned form of "panoramic design", and new empirical integrity. Perhaps ... 

Anyway, enough scene setting. I must go now because we are entering orbit and I must have a wash, get this jump-gate gel off … yuuuuk, but I will return shortly, with a detailed breakdown of earth's pending NAPSTA process.




We am Puhg.

... I will return. 

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